👩🏼🎓 I graduated from the Theatre Academy in Helsinki (
Teatterikorkeakoulusta) in 1996. After almost 20 years, I did where additional studies at the Department of Pedagogy. In between these timeslots, I mostly explored independent and unconventional paths in art.
🎭 My most essential collaborators are the theatre companies
Pyöveli-työryhmä and
Q-teatterin Hyvä kätilö-tarinateatteriryhmän. I worked for Teatteri Takomo, Teatteri Avoimet Ovet, Rauman kaupunginteatteri, Valtimonteatteri, Espoon kaupunginteatteri ja Teatteri Jurkka. Moreover, I was the president of Assitej Finland
🎥 I was
filmed in more than 50 movies and TV series, such as Kallio, Eden, Golgata, and Karppi/Deadwind.
🤺 For many years I have taught acting at Aalto University, the University of the Arts, the Open University campus, and the Workers' Academy.